Energy from Space Headlines

NASA Solar Disk

International news headlines related to harnessing energy in space.

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Total number of Space Energy Headlines: 685

Turning Science Fiction Into Science Fact: Space Solar Power Beaming
Source: SpaceRef : Date: 14-12-2022

“Space solar power beaming has the potential to provide energy anywhere on Earth at any time, making consistent and reliable energy available to remote locations when its needed most,” said Tara Theret, SSPIDR program director, Northrop Grumman. “With this demonstration, we are one step closer to taking this technology out of the lab and putting it on orbit.”

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Space-Based Solar Power in Australia Continues to Make Progress
Source: Energy Matters : Date: 06-12-2022

It seems that we're getting closer to harnessing solar energy from space. Space-Based Solar Power (SBSP) collects and harvests solar energy via.

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Evaluating America's green energy options including astroelectricity (part 4)
Source: The Space Review by Mike Snead : Date: 06-12-2022

Space solar power involves collecting sunlight in space, converting this solar power into electrical power, and transmitting this power to the ...Long ago, the US government allocated specific bands of frequencies for various purposes such as TV broadcasts and radar. As mentioned for the baseline design, astroelectric power is transmitted at a frequency of 2.45 GHz....

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There is now a race for Space-Based Solar Power
Source: Microgrid Media : Date: 02-12-2022

This technology would cost no more than solar energy on earth because of declining satellite launch costs and a lack of further infrastructural ...

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Caltech is Designing a Solar Power in Space to Power Earth
Source: by Joe Thomas - Medium : Date: 02-12-2022

Caltech researchers are designing a modular spacecraft that would wirelessly transmit electricity from space down to Earth, most notably to places ...

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Renewed support for ESA innovation at Paris Ministerial
Source: European Space Agency : Date: 01-12-2022

Another new initiative, SOLARIS to advance key technologies for Space-Based Solar Power plants, forms part of the over-subscribed Element 1 of GSTP. Discussions are now underway with national delegations on their preferred levels of commitment.  ...

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The Race For Space-Based Solar Power Is Underway
Source: Oil Price (Haley Zaremba) : Date: 01-12-2022

A new space race is underway, but this time it is focused on ensuring energy security by developing solar energy in space. In fact, the European Space Agency is currently mulling over a three-year study, called ESA SOLARIS, to see if having huge solar farms in space could work, and the BBC reports that it is likely to get approved, thanks in part to the recent breakthrough at Airbus.

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Evaluating America's green energy options including astroelectricity (part 3)
Source: The Space Review (Mike Snead) : Date: 29-11-2022

Space-based solar power can play a key role in the transition from fossil ... and ground solar power be scaled up to replace fossil carbon fuels?

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New US-China Space Race Heating Up
Source: Asia Sentinel : Date: 29-11-2022

Great-power competition has now ascended to space, with a race underway between China and the United States for space-based solar power generation ...

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ESA Wants to Explore Wireless Gathering of Solar Power to Earth
Source: Tech Times : Date: 26-11-2022

ESA includes space-based solar power in its plans en route to more efficient power management. The campaign toward a sustainable source of energy ...

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Solar Beams In Space Will Soon Power Your City?
Source: Tell Me Best : Date: 26-11-2022

The concept is quite simple, according to Jean-Dominique Coste, who is responsible for this technology at Airbus. He says, “The potential of the technology is to capture sunlight and then beam it wirelessly. This energy would supply our cities, factories, homes, and even airplanes with electricity. These beams are sent straight to an energy receiver. However, there is...

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Solar farms in space demo could be ready by 2030
Source: The Chemical Engineer by Kerry Hebden. : Date: 26-11-2022

The idea of solar farms in space could get another big boost as ministers at the European Space Agency are meeting this week to discuss whether to fund a three-year preparatory programme known as SOLARIS. If approved, ESA said it would work in conjunction with European industry, to assess the feasibility, benefits, implementation options, commercial opportunities and risks of SBSP as a contributor to terrestrial energy decarbonisation. A decision whether to proceed with a full-blown project could then be made in 2025. 

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Europe wants to harness the power of the sun.... from space
Source: TheNextWeb : Date: 25-11-2022

A lunar solar power station Switzerland’s Astrostrom is pursuing another approach to harnessing the sun’s energy from space: the moon. “Instead of building massive [solar power] satellites on Earth, which must be highly efficient and expensive and launching them from the surface of Earth at great cost, our proposal is to install the industrial capacity on the Moon to build solar power satellites from mostly lunar materials and to robotically assemble these in orbit,” Arthur Woods, the company’s CEO, told TNW. The initial aim would be to supply power for lunar operations, and once this proves successful, to scale these operations for building solar power satellites (SPS) that would provide energy supply to Earth. “Europe has the need, the technological know-how, and the financial means to become a leader in this field,” Woods said. If indeed Europe moves ahead with this project, it would ensure its strategic position in the international race towards scalable clean energy solutions for mitigating climate change.

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The Tiangong Orbital Station Will Help China Build A Space Solar Power Plant
Source: Tech News Space : Date: 25-11-2022

It provides long-distance transmission of energy from a solar power plant located in space. Such experiments are expected to take a new direction ...

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European Ministers increase space funding 17% for ESA budget
Source: Electronics Weekly : Date: 25-11-2022

Finally, £71 million will back new technologies to reduce reliance on non-European nations for important electrical and electronic components, supporting emerging areas such as space-based solar power, and creating radioisotope heat and power systems derived from nuclear waste....

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Evaluating America’s green energy options including astroelectricity (part 2)
Source: Mike Snead - The Space Review : Date: 24-11-2022

Recognizing that fossil carbon fuels are non-sustainable, America will need to successfully transition to abundant, robust, affordable, environmentally acceptable, and sustainable energy—“green energy”—this century if our children and grandchildren are to remain free, at peace, energy secure, and prosperous. Obviously, this will be a demanding undertaking, requiring careful consideration and a well-organized plan. Unfortunately, at this time, the United States does not have a carefully developed national energy security strategy to guide America’s transition to green energy.

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China to build solar power plant in space 'by 2028' – and send energy back to Earth with 'laser beam'
Source: The US Sun : Date: 24-11-2022

CHINA is still set on building a solar power plant in space by 2028 as part of the country's huge plans. The futuristic project will be used to ...

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ESA Wants To Build A Power Station In The Sky And Beam Electricity To Earth
Source: IFLScience : Date: 24-11-2022

The European Space Agency (ESA) will consider the viability of a gigantic solar farm in space at a meeting this week in Paris.

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Solar Farm in Space? European Space Agency Contemplates the Idea
Source: Saur Energy International : Date: 24-11-2022

Scientists are putting up an ambitious plan to harness solar energy from orbit to power planet. At a two-day conference in Paris, ESA is debating.

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Solar energy from space possible within 20 years, according to ESA
Source: Innovation Origins : Date: 24-11-2022

The solar energy system in space comprises several satellites that harness and convert sunlight into energy 24 hours a day. This is then beamed via ...

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ESA's Space-Based Solar Power Stations Could Fulfil Earth's Energy Needs In Future
Source: : Date: 24-11-2022

Space-based solar power generation could be a reality soon, providing an alternative to fossil fuels and nuclear power.

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China's space station will run high-energy beam experiment for controversial solar power plant
Source: South China Morning Post : Date: 24-11-2022

Space power station could point beam to almost any location, making it an ideal to power military equipment or remote outposts, says project team.

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European Space Agency to probe solar power from space
Source: Global Construction Review : Date: 24-11-2022

The agency believes space solar power could provide baseload power to European grids the way nuclear, hydro, and coal plants do now.

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China to use space station to test space-based solar power
Source: SpaceNews : Date: 24-11-2022

Robotic arms already operating on the outside of Tiangong will be used to test on-orbit assembly of modules for a space-based solar power test ...

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China Space Station to test tech for future space solar power plant
Source: CGTN : Date: 24-11-2022

China's space station will provide in-orbit technology verification for the country's space solar power plant in the future, Yang Hong, ...

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