Energy from Space Headlines

International news headlines related to harnessing energy in space.
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Total number of Space Energy Headlines: 685
Studying How to Bring Solar Power Down to Earth
Source: Parabolic Arc : Date: 02-04-2022
As part of that effort, a new project looks into designing solar-power satellites, which would become the largest structures ever built in space.
Space-based solar power research launched
Source: : Date: 01-04-2022
Space-based solar power research launched. Mark Garnier MP, vice-chair of the All Party Space Group, at the Space Energy Initiative launch.
Scientists achieve record efficiency for ultra-thin solar panels
Source: ScienceDaily : Date: 30-03-2022
Their solar panels, just one micrometer thick, convert light into ... useful in space and could make new extra-terrestrial projects viable.
Spotlight On Space Solar Power As EU Skitters Away From Russian Gas
Source: CleanTechnica : Date: 29-03-2022
The US Air Force Research Laboratory lists space solar power among its key technology projects for the warfighter of the future.
UK Government pursuing space-based solar power
Source: Electronics Weekly : Date: 28-03-2022
The government is embarking on a programme to develop technologies for beaming power from space. The feasibility of Space-Based Solar Power (SBSP) ...
Why space might solve the biggest problem with solar energy
Source: Inverse : Date: 28-03-2022
The space-based solar power system involves a solar power satellite — an enormous spacecraft equipped with solar panels. These panels generate ...
Solar panels in space aren't as ridiculous as they seem
Source: News Net Nebraska : Date: 26-03-2022
In these past years, China And Japan proposed to the public the hypothesis of installing solar panels in space: an idea as absurd as it might be ...
How exactly would a solar power station in space work?
Source: The Independent : Date: 24-03-2022
The Space Solar Power Project in the US is developing high-efficiency solar cells as well as a conversion and transmission system optimised for use in ...
United Kingdom explores construction site to capture solar energy in space: Understand how it works
Source: Lodi Valley : Date: 23-03-2022
For that, you need to build a solar-powered satellite: a large spacecraft equipped with solar panels. The panels generate electricity, which is then ...
UK to launch first power station in SPACE – Limitless green energy to slash foreign ties
Source: Daily Express : Date: 20-03-2022
The Space Energy Initiative is the plan to create "Space Based Solar Power" (SBSP) (Image: Getty ). This comes as the UK has been scrambling to ...
A solar station in space? This is not science fiction, the UK is evaluating the
Source: News Net Nebraska : Date: 18-03-2022
A Solar Power Plant in Space: Jovana Radulovic, a mechanical engineering researcher and specialist in renewable energy systems, talks about it at ...
AFRL Demos Space-Based Solar Power System
Source: National Defense Magazine : Date: 18-03-2022
The military may be one step closer to powering its bases with solar energy from space. Researchers from the Air Force Research Laboratory's Space ...
A solar power station in space? Here's how it would work – and the benefits it could bring
Source: The Conversation : Date: 18-03-2022
The space-based solar power system involves a solar power satellite – an enormous spacecraft equipped with solar panels. These panels generate ...
Solar farm in space 'would beam energy back to Earth'
Source: The Times : Date: 15-03-2022
A £16 billion proposal to build a massive solar power station in space is being taken seriously by the government, the science minister has said.
Rolls-Royce leads new space station project on MOON- UK to make 'significant strides.
Source: Daily Express : Date: 14-03-2022
Rolls-Royce to develop a power station for space that could power the generation of water, breathable oxygen and fuels for solar exploration.
Australian astronaut says time is right for space-based solar farms
Source: pv magazine Australia : Date: 14-03-2022
Scully-Power, who became the first Australian-born person to leave Earth when he served as a payload specialist aboard the 13th flight of NASA's Space ...
Rocket Lab unveils space solar cell with 33.3% efficiency
Source: PV Magazine : Date: 11-03-2022
The new cell can be used in applications in the civil, military and commercial space markets. “The IMM-β is also a radiation-hard cell with a power ...
The Next Bets for Renewable Energy
Source: The Wall Street Journal : Date: 10-03-2022
These systems may enable engineers to expand the geographic range of where geothermal plants can be built. SUN. Space-Based Solar. Experimental ...
Solar Power From Space - IEEE Spectrum
Source: IEEE Spectrum : Date: 10-03-2022
The idea of solar panels circling Earth and beaming down power is gaining ... Eliza Strickland: JAXA has been researching space-based solar power ...
Rocket Lab Begins Qualification of Highest Performing Space Solar Cell Technology
Source: Business Wire : Date: 09-03-2022
Developed by SolAero Technologies Inc., a space solar power company recently acquired by Rocket Lab, the IMM-β solar cells are the highest ...
Fission Power Is What NASA Plans to Use to Take Over the Moon and Mars
Source: AutoEvolution : Date: 05-03-2022
Generally speaking, space exploration has long depended on batteries, solar energy, or some type of chemical reaction for its needs.
Prophets of the High Frontier
Source: The Space Review : Date: 28-02-2022
O'Neill's vision was tied to the concept of space-based solar power, an idea that was even evaluated by NASA and big aerospace companies around ...
Laser-Powered Sails Would be Great for Exploring the Solar System too
Source: Universe Today : Date: 28-02-2022
Between the exponential growth of the commercial space industry (aka. NewSpace) and missions planned for the Moon in this decade, it's generally ...
AFRL to highlight latest technologies at AFA Warfare Symposium
Source: Air Force Research Laboratory : Date: 18-02-2022
Some of the space programs to be highlighted by AFRL include Space Solar Power Incremental Demonstrations and Research Project (SSPIDR) and Cislunar ...
A solar cell you could make on the moon
Source: pv magazone : Date: 28-12-2021
As part of a project headed by the European Space Agency investigating materials for long-term missions, scientists in Estonia are investigating a tiny iron-based crystal as a potential solar cell material. So far, the material has not achieved the sort of efficiency that would spark a lot of interest. These researchers, however, are interested in it for a different reason: Beyond planet Earth, the material is abundant enough that it could eventually be manufactured on the Moon. (Estonia)
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