Energy from Space Headlines

International news headlines related to harnessing energy in space.
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Total number of Space Energy Headlines: 685
Reading Recommends For Strategic Space Policy
Source: Forbes : Date: 29-05-2021
Atlantic Council report surprisingly fails to mention two key solutions advocated by Garretson-Goswami: Asteroid Defense and Space-Based Solar Power.
Source: EIN News : Date: 29-05-2021
In contrast to ground-based solar panels, orbital power stations can operate 24 hours per day all year long. “This campaign is part of a series of video ...
Life in 2050: A Glimpse at Space in the Future - Part I
Source: Interesting Engineering : Date: 28-05-2021
By 2050, commercial space travel, space tourism, orbital space stations, and ... These satellites would gather solar energy 24/7 and beam it to ground ..
National Space Society Wins Silver Telly Award for “Dear Earth” Video Campaign on Space Solar Power
Source: National Space Society : Date: 28-05-2021
Video Spots Explain the Benefits of Clean and Unlimited Space-Based Solar Power to Our Planet The National Space Society announced today its “Dear Earth” campaign for space solar power has been named in the Best of Social Media category in the 42nd Annual Telly Awards. The Telly Awards honor excellence in video and television across […]
US Air Force plans to harvest unlimited Solar energy for use on Earth
Source: Techstory : Date: 25-05-2021
The aim of this plan is to send this power grid into space where it can harvest the unlimited source of solar energy and beam it down on Earth. According ...
Mars and the Moon are our island, the Chinese report, and a plan to dominate space
Source: Pakistan Christian TV : Date: 24-05-2021
In 2040, their nuclear powered shuttle is set to fly, and at the same time, China wants to have solar power plants in space. By 2045, the Middle ...
US Air Force Wants To Collect Solar Power From Space, Beam It Down To Earth
Source: India Times : Date: 21-05-2021
AFRL's concept talks about sunlight-harvesting satellites that are equipped with “sandwich tiles” that will convert solar energy into radio frequency power ...
US Air Force Plans to Harvest Solar Energy in Space, Send It to Earth
Source: NDTV : Date: 21-05-2021
It wants to harvest the Sun's energy in space using solar panels and then beam it down for use on Earth. Successfully developing such a capability ...
Op-ed | Beijing's Troubling Space Ambitions
Source: SpaceNews : Date: 20-05-2021
For example, space-based solar power promises to deliver unlimited clean energy. Lunar minerals can serve to bootstrap space industries, while ...
The UK is investing in solar energy in space
Source: DealMakerz : Date: 18-05-2021
Now the British Space Agency and British authorities are investing money in research into radiation space solar energy to Earth. Previously, the ...
Plans for first Chinese solar power station in space revealed
Source: The Sydney Morning Hearld : Date: 04-05-2021
Beijing: China is taking its renewable energy push to new heights, with scientists revealing plans to build the first solar power station in space.
Ed's note: Space, the final frontier
Source: Smart Energy : Date: 04-05-2021
Space-based solar power (SBSP) is not a new idea and it involves collecting the sun's energy while in space and wirelessly transmitting it back to Earth.
Fifty years after Apollo, space is about to transform our life on Earth beyond recognition
Source: The Guardian : Date: 02-05-2021
Britain could be among them. Power-station spaceships with vast solar mirrors might capture the sun's rays 24/7 and turn them into into microwaves and beam them to solar panels on Earth...
China Moves Toward a Permanent Space Presence
Source: The Diplomat : Date: 01-05-2021
In direct competition with the United States’ Artemis lunar program, of the construction of Space Based Solar Power Satellites (SBSP) in orbit that will help power China's space activities, and missions to Mars, including ...
Solar Power Sats Help Drive DoD Deep Space Push
Source: Breaking Defense : Date: 30-04-2021
Space-based solar power beaming, AFRL graphic. WASHINGTON: The Air Force Research Laboratory's experimental solar power satellite Arachne ...
The US Will Need a Lot of Land for a Zero-Carbon Economy
Source: Bloomberg : Date: 29-04-2021
Nuclear energy, which requires far less space, is also emission free. Same for hydroelectric power. Plus, wind farms can be installed at sea. Solar panels ...
Could the Air Force's solar beaming project deliver direct power to Earth?
Source: SYFY WIRE : Date: 29-04-2021
A promising new U.S. Air Force project scheduled to launch in 2024 hopes to beam solar power directly to Earth from orbit, possibly providing space- ...
The Air Force is creating a shortcut to better obtain solar energy
Source: RFD-TV : Date: 27-04-2021
The U.S. Air Force has a stellar idea to beam solar power to Earth from space. Their research laboratory created a video giving a better representation ...
Beam the Sun down, Scotty
Source: Cosmos : Date: 26-04-2021
Harvesting solar energy in space and beaming it back to Earth may sound like science-fiction – and it originally was. In 1941, writer Isaac Asimov ...
The Air Force has a groovy idea to beam sunshine power down from space on radio waves
Source: Task & Purpose : Date: 27-04-2021
AFRL hopes that in the future it can launch solar panel-bearing satellites into orbit around Earth. Up in space, those solar panels won't ever be blocked ...
Solar Energy from Space to Earth: US Air Force Developing Satellites for Transformation Taking Place in 2024
Source: Marie Morales / Science Times : Date: 26-04-2021
AFRL will develop satellites that are equipped with ground-breaking sandwich panels that will transform solar energy into RF or radiofrequency energy ...
UK government considers space-based solar power - Green Crowd
Source: EIIS Current Investment Offers : Date: 25-04-2021
New SPS Concept - The CASSIOPeiA Solar Power Satellite is “based on the principle of wavelength-scale modular integration of all major functions, from solar collection through to beam-formation.” With no moving parts, CASSIOPeiA’s patent-pending phased array permits beam steering through 360 degrees....
Citizens for Space Based Solar Power
Source: Citizens for Space Based Solar Power : Date: 23-04-2021
Citizens for Space Based Solar Power - Getting the word out about SBSP
The US Air Force wants to beam solar power to Earth from space (video)
Source: : Date: 25-04-2021
The Air Force Research Laboratory (AFRL) is developing a project called SSPIDR ("Space Solar Power Incremental Demonstrations and Research"), ...
The space industry's David vs. Goliath
Source: Politico : Date: 23-04-2021
— To mark Earth Day, a new push to get serious about tapping into solar power directly from space. WELCOME TO POLITICO SPACE, our must-read ...
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