Energy from Space Headlines

NASA Solar Disk

International news headlines related to harnessing energy in space.

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Total number of Space Energy Headlines: 685

Solar power beaming from space – fact or fantasy?
Source: Power Engineering International : Date: 04-09-2024

While solar PV is routinely used to power satellites in space, the possibility of using satellites to redirect solar energy to the Earth to supplement ...

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The greatest achievement in history, from space: The plan to bomb the Earth with this energy
Source: ECOticias : Date: 29-08-2024

Experts are prepared to launch the greatest project in history: We can beam solar energy to the Earth... from the space.

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Beaming solar power to Earth: feasible or fantasy?
Source: EDN Magazine : Date: 29-08-2024

He looked at various proposed and distinctly different approaches to capturing and beaming the power, including CASSIOPeiA from Space Solar Holdings Group; SPS-ALPHA Mark-III from a former NASA physicist; Solar Power Satellite from Thales Alenia Space; and MR-SPS from the China Academy of Space Technology (there’s a brief mention of the Caltech project as well). ...

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This Company Wants to Sell You Sunlight at Night From Space
Source: VICE : Date: 27-08-2024

You might be wondering: What? A few years ago, VICE spoke with Reflect Orbital's founder and CEO, Ben Nowack, about his plans to generate solar power ...

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Beaming Solar Energy To Spacecraft In Orbit: Star Catcher Industries Space Power Grid Revolution
Source: Mondaq : Date: 21-08-2024

Star Catcher Industries ("Star Catcher"), a startup focusing on energy generation in space, has concluded its seed financing round, ...

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The Solar Age - A Bright Future To Mankind
Source: : Date: 19-08-2024

Space-based power production to turn solar into a true baseload electricity source. Long-distance connectors linking electric grids between very ...

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Beyond The Stars: How Space Technology Inspires Global Sustainability
Source: Forbes : Date: 16-08-2024

These systems could one day harvest solar energy in space and transmit it back to Earth, providing a steady energy source. Furthermore, NASA's ...

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How space tech can help solve our problems here on Earth: your guide to Space-Comm
Source: The Scotsman : Date: 12-08-2024

“If we can get that type of tech out of the atmosphere, we are onto a winner,” says Whitehorn. Exploring new sources of energy. Space solar has huge potential: Stuart Martin, chair of Space Solar, will be among the many inspiring speakers at Space-Comm, explaining how massive solar arrays in space could transmit that power to Earth and hugely increase our capacity for renewable energy, no matter the weather.

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America will generate energy from space, and NASA has a plan: We could blot out the Sun
Source: ECOticias : Date: 09-08-2024

NASA’s plans for generating energy from space: Solar panels or the “Dyson Sphere”? However, the report provided explains that while the former comes at high costs, the SBSP systems’ greenhouse gas emissions are lower than those of the current U.S. electric grid, while they are on par with the terrestrial renewable systems. This places SBSP as another with the potential to achieve the necessary reductions in emissions, especially in the long run. The possibility of other SBSP systems is quite large, more so since solar energy is freely available in space.

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US-China space cooperation could help fight climate change
Source: World - China Daily : Date: 08-08-2024

Space-based solar power, a concept involving the collection of solar energy ... space solar power station in 2022. The China Academy of Space ...

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Solestial and Meyer Burger forge deal to expand solar cell production
Source: SpaceNews : Date: 08-08-2024

Tempe, Arizona-based Solestial’s radiation-resistant solar cells and flexible solar power modules are designed for long-term space applications. Meyer Burger, a publicly traded Swiss company, brings expertise in manufacturing solar cells and modules. Through the partnership, Solestial and Meyer Burger plan to produce 1 megawatt of solar cells annually by mid-2025. For comparison, Solestial currently produces less than 100 kilowatts per year.

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Why NASA thinks you should forget about space-based solar power
Source: Physics World : Date: 05-08-2024

Space-based solar power sounds a cool idea but with a new NASA report suggesting it will never make economic sense, James McKenzie thinks we ...

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A Tower On The Moon Could Provide Astronauts With Light, Power, and Guidance
Source: Universe Today : Date: 03-08-2024

A novel idea from Honeybee Robotics, one of the most prominent space technology companies now owned by Blue Origin, could solve plenty of them with ...

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AI Is Unlocking The Multi-Trillion Dollar Space Economy
Source: Forbes : Date: 02-08-2024

This could lead to the construction of space stations, lunar bases, and even solar power satellite systems, a concept being explored by companies like ...

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It's always sunny in space: Michigan startup hopes to beam solar power to Earth
Source: : Date: 28-07-2024

Space-based solar system concepts have also been historically limited by the efficiency of power conversion, as sunlight is converted to microwave and ...Basically, all the underlying technology for space solar has been around since the first telecom satellites in the early ‘70s,” said Virtus Solis CEO and co-founder John Bucknell.

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Star Catcher: World's first space solar power station gets funding
Source: Interesting Engineering : Date: 27-07-2024

Moreover, a UK-based company Space Solar has made significant strides in wireless power transmission technology and demonstrated a 360-degree power ...

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Florida startup Star Catcher snags $12 million to help develop 1st off-Earth energy grid
Source: : Date: 26-07-2024

Space-based solar power may not remain a mere sci-fi dream for much longer. Florida startup Star Catcher Industries just scored $12.25 million in ...

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Space-Based Solar Power (Video)
Source: FP - YouTube : Date: 25-07-2024

Solar panels installed in space could operate almost without interruption, thanks to sunlight ten times more intense than on Earth, while avoiding ...

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The Race for Space-Based Solar Power
Source: WIRED : Date: 17-07-2024

Beaming solar energy from space is not new; telecommunications satellites have been sending microwave signals generated by solar power back to Earth ... “You really have a source of 24/7 clean power from space,” Vijendran said. The power can be transmitted regardless of weather conditions because of the frequency of the microwaves. “A 1-gigawatt power plant in space would be comparable to the top five solar farms on earth. A power plant with a capacity of 1 gigawatt could power around 875,000 households for one year,” said Andrew Glester, host of the Physics World podcast.

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Will space-based solar power ever make sense?
Source: Ars Technica : Date: 16-07-2024

The Solaris initiative is exploring two possible technologies, according to Sanjay Vijendran, lead for the Solaris initiative at the ESA: one that involves beaming microwaves from a station in geostationary orbit down to a receiver on Earth and another that involves using immense mirrors in a lower orbit to reflect sunlight down onto solar farms. He said he thinks that both of these solutions are potentially valuable. Space Solar is working on a satellite design called CASSIOPeiA, which Physics World describes as looking “like a spiral staircase, with the ...

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China launches this colossus into space that will cover America: 1 GW of energy
Source: ECOticias : Date: 13-07-2024

Chinese are progressing in a variety of ways in the development of a space-based solar power plant, which can revolutionize the future of energy ...

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Former SpaceX member explains how his company plans to keep solar farms running
Source: The Cool Down : Date: 11-07-2024

Reflect Orbital has an idea that could potentially offer short periods of daylight to locations on Earth after dark, as CleanTechnica reported. While the concept is primarily being pitched as solar power on demand, the company has other use cases in mind.

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Startup plans to revolutionize clean energy industry with space-based solar power
Source: MSN by Susan Elizabeth Turek : Date: 05-07-2024

Virtus Solis believes that getting closer to the source could unlock a new era of reliable low-cost solar power for everyone around the globe. This Michigan-based startup isn't planning a new Earth-bound tower, though. Instead, it hopes to build the first-ever solar farm in space. According to Interesting Engineering, the idea of Virtus Solis was presented in April at the International Conference on Energy from Space in London.

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Could Wireless Power Beaming Finally Become Reality?
Source: WIRED : Date: 02-07-2024

Imagine there's a solar farm in the desert, for example. An antenna would transmit its power to a satellite in orbit. This satellite then beams the ...Dr. Ray Simpkin, Chief Science Officer of EMROD, and he is demonstrating the company’s wireless power technology. Founded in 2019, EMROD is developing hardware capable of sending large amounts of airborne power over long distances.

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Space Based Energy Solutions For Endless Clean Energy
Source: : Date: 02-07-2024

The first key feature of space-based solar is that as the power satellites orbit Earth, they can be put in an orbit that is never in Earth's shadow, ...

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