S.O.S. - the Space Option Star

SOS in Orbit

Humanity is facing an imminent Energy Dilemma in that the limited proven reserves of fossil fuels could reach exhaustion levels at mid-century and none of the current alternative terrestrial energy options – nuclear – wind - ground solar (PV) – can be sufficiently scaled to achieve the goal of divesting from fossil fuels by the year 2050 as is being called for by the United Nations, many governments and numerous organizations to address the Climate Emergency. Energy from space is the only near term technically feasible and scalable alternative currently available to humanity to divest from fossil fuels while meeting its future energy needs but is seldom mentioned as a potential solution.

The Space Option Star (SOS) is being proposed as an in situ demonstration of space-to-space wireless power transmission (WPT) and as a powerful communication event to alert the world population and their leaders about the Space Energy Option the only a feasible near term solution to the Energy Dilemma and the Climate Emergency. Explore this website and find out why The Space Option is essential to the future of civilization and how working together we can all make a difference.