Energy from Space Headlines

International news headlines related to harnessing energy in space.
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Total number of Space Energy Headlines: 685
Last Gasp For Fossil Fuels: Space Solar Is Happening
Source: CleanTechnica : Date: 04-11-2023
Meanwhile, the European Space Agency has been conducting cost-benefit analyses through its SOLARIS space solar program.The payoff could be huge. Getting all that equipment up into space is a challenge, though. ESA estimates that an economical solar farm in space would have to reach a size of at least one kilometer across. That would involve a lot of rocket launches.
New study brings us closer to solar space farms that beam renewable energy back to Earth
Source: : Date: 01-11-2023
A new, lightweight solar panel is possible and it could withstand solar radiation for more than six years.
Space Solar and Thales Alenia Space in the UK working together to deliver Space-Based Solar Power
Source: THALES : Date: 31-10-2023
In addition to the collaboration with Space Solar in the UK, Thales Alenia Space has been selected by the European Space Agency (ESA) to lead a feasibility study for the SOLARIS initiative which will determine the viability of a project to provide clean energy from spaceborne solar power plants to meet the requirements down on Earth. The SOLARIS studies aims to support Europe to make an informed decision by 2025 on whether or not to embark on a development program for the commercialization of space-based solar energy, with the initial objective of designing a small-scale in-orbit demonstrator.
Beaming Solar Energy From Space Takes a Big Step Forward - WSJ's The Future of Everything
Source: The Wall Street Journal : Date: 28-10-2023
There's also a very interesting project being run by the European Space Agency called SOLARIS. The idea is to see could a constellation of solar space satellites significantly improve the ability of Europe to cut their greenhouse emissions and to really ramp up green energy much more aggressively than they've been able to. So we're going to start seeing answers to these things very soon. It's not like space-based solar power is going to take over instantly, but I think we're going to find out just over the next two or three years, is it viable and are people interested in it enough that they're willing to make the investment and really start to see okay, if you scale this up, what can you do with this technology?
Solar farms in space could be commercially viable
Source: Anthropocene Magazine : Date: 26-10-2023
Engineers sent novel low-cost, lightweight solar cells into space and found that they worked for six years--the mission was meant to last for one.
Beam Solar Energy From Space? These Scientists Achieve a Breakthrough
Source: : Date: 26-10-2023
“Nobody’s shown that any of the challenges cannot be solved,” says Sanjay Vijendran, leader of the Solaris initiative at the European Space Agency (ESA). “There are no showstoppers. There are, of course, huge challenges. But we have to make a start at some point. We don’t have a decade to lose.” A report by the Frazer-Nash Consultancy for the UK government in 2021 found that space-based solar power could one day have a levelized cost of energy (which includes capital costs as well as operations) of £35 to £79 ($43 to $96) per megawatt-hour, following an 18-year development program.
Are solar farms in space possible?
Source: Innovation News Network : Date: 24-10-2023
"This ultra-low mass solar cell technology could lead to large, low-cost solar power stations deployed in space, bringing clean energy back to Earth – ...
Green Solar Energy Beamed From Space May Soon Be Cheap and Plentiful
Source: Newsweek : Date: 20-10-2023
Three years ago, Sanjay Vijendran's colleague told him about a scheme that seemed straight out of science fiction: beaming energy from solar panels in space down to the Earth. "The whole idea was new to me," says Vijendran, a scientist at the European Space Agency (ESA). "It sounded like something you'd laugh at." No one's laughing now, least of all Vijendran. He's heading ESA's Solaris project, which is working toward launching satellites that by the mid-2030s could be beaming down a sizable fraction of all the energy Europe needs. And that's just one of several major pushes around the globe to tap sunlight from space to help reduce dependence on fossil fuel. "The pieces are coming together right now to make this a reality," says Vijendran.
UK Space Solar farm initiative could beam clean energy back to Earth by 2035
Source: Travel Tomorrow : Date: 18-10-2023
Space Solar, a tech firm specialising in the commercial development of space, particularly space-based solar power, has revealed its vision for ...
Financial Times: How to make space-based solar power a reality
Source: Financial Times : Date: 18-10-2023
“We fully expect it will be a big challenge — like nuclear or wind farms — to convince people to have this in their backyard,” says ESA’s Vijendran. “That may be the largest challenge of all.” Some projects propose attaching the receiving antenna to offshore wind farms, where grid connections already exist, to help to dampen public concerns. This has to be driven as an energy project that has a large space element,” says Vijendran. “We are trying to have [the energy sector] take it over as soon as possible.”
Space Solar Farms Could Produce 13 Times More Energy Than Standard Farms In Near Future
Source: The Weather Channel : Date: 17-10-2023
Europe has been looking into space-based solar farms to aid their Net Zero transition for a while now. ESA also announced their SOLARIS initiative to harness space-based solar power. Two parallel concept studies for commercial scale farms will be completed at the end of this year, helping create a roadmap to flesh this important green transition element into reality.
Space Solar's ambitious target of a space solar farm by 2035
Source: Interesting Engineering : Date: 12-10-2023
Space Solar's groundbreaking initiative aims to launch a space-based solar farm by 2035, revolutionizing clean energy production.
With a tweet, America has joined the race to develop astroelectricity—hopefully!
Source: The Space Review / Mike Snead : Date: 10-10-2023
Both Japan and China seek an in-space substantial SSP demonstration in the coming years. The European Space Agency has created the Solaris project with similar goals. It is noteworthy that they recently sponsored a substantive study of a lunar SSP architecture undertaken by Astrostrom (German for astroelectricity).
Metro Mayor visits University to celebrate intergalactic research on Space Week
Source: University of Bristol : Date: 05-10-2023
he West of England’s growing space industry is worth over £300 million and Space West, which includes the University, was one of eighteen projects to recently receive funding from the UK Space Agency as part of the levelling-up boost for the UK space sector, funding for new growth.
DARPA Hopes to Beam Power Across 200 Kilometers
Source: IEEE Spectrum : Date: 03-10-2023
These proposed orbital solar farms could harvest sunlight in space and beam it down to Earth in the form of microwaves, avoiding problems earthbound ..
Space Solar teams-up with Frazer-Nash on space-based solar power
Source: Aerospace Manufacturing : Date: 28-09-2023
Space Solar has announced a partnership with leading systems, engineering and technology company Frazer-Nash Consultancy (Frazer-Nash). Frazer-Nash is providing support across a range of disciplines but particularly in concept design and engineering analysis, helping to bring the industry leading CASSIOPeiA solar power satellite concept to reality. Frazer-Nash is also providing project-management and operational services as part of a long-term commitment to the development of SBSP technology with Space Solar Group.
Is Space-Based Solar Power the answer to achieving Net Zero?
Source: Lexology : Date: 28-09-2023
The UK’s £4.3 million government funding for universities and tech companies to develop Space-Based Solar Power is intended to make the country a world leader in the race for this technology. But the UK is far from alone. The EU’s SOLARIS program had funding approved in November 2022 in order to establish the technical, political and programmatic viability of Space-Based Solar Power and prepare for a decision in 2025 on a full development programme.
Space-Based Solar Power Could Become A Reality
Source: Oil Price / Felicity Bradstock : Date: 24-09-2023
The concept has now gained the public backing of Tim Peake, the first European Space Agency (ESA) astronaut from Britain to visit the International Space Station. He said that space-based solar power is “becoming absolutely viable”. This is thanks to the falling price of launching heavy cargoes into orbit. The ESA has been exploring the potential of space-based solar power plants, having commissioned two concept studies this year. It expects to present a business case to the EU by as early as 2025.
Space-Based Solar Power Is a Possible Alternative Energy Source
Source: The New York Times : Date: 21-09-2023
Sanjay Vijendran, an engineer at the European Space Agency, spent much of his life’s work on Mars exploration projects, but climate change brought his focus back to Earth. “Is there more that space could be doing to directly help with the climate crisis?” Mr. Vijendran recalled asking himself and his colleagues in 2020. The result was Solaris, a program he leads that will release a report by 2025 on space-based solar power’s technical and economic feasibility.
Space-Based Solar Power: getting closer as SpaceX and Blue Origin bring down the cost of heavy-lift launches?
Source: Energy Post / Matteo Ceriotti : Date: 20-09-2023
SBSP could play a crucial role to meet the UK’s net-zero target by 2050 – but the government’s current strategy does not include it. An independent study found that SBSP could generate up to 10GW of electricity by 2050, one-quarter of the UK’s current demand. SBSP provides a secure and stable energy supply. It will also create a multi billion-pound industry, with 143,000 jobs across the country. The European Space Agency is currently evaluating the viability of SBSP with its SOLARIS initiative. This could be followed by a full development plan for the technology by 2025.
Space-based solar farms are now financially viable
Source: : Date: 19-09-2023
The ever-growing pursuit of sustainable energy solutions is expanding into a new frontier. Space-based solar farms may soon become a reality. The ESA hasn’t been a mere spectator in these developments. Under the Solaris program, the agency is fervently working on the conceptualization and implementation of space-based solar power plants.
Tim Peake backs idea for solar farms in space as costs fall
Source: The Guardian : Date: 18-09-2023
Astronaut Maj Peake said the falling cost of launching heavy cargoes into orbit means that complex structures, such as solar power farms, could soon ...ESA has been exploring the idea of space-based solar power plants, and commissioned two “concept studies” this year. It is hoping to present a business case to the EU by 2025.
Japan Aims to Test Space-Based Solar Power Transmission by 2025
Source: Microgrid Media : Date: 11-09-2023
The concept of space-based solar power was first introduced by an American physicist in 1968, proposing the deployment of solar panels into space to ...
We Could Soon Be Getting Energy From Solar Power Harvested In Space
Source: IFLScience : Date: 09-09-2023
It will also create a multi billion-pound industry, with 143,000 jobs across the country. The European Space Agency is currently evaluating the viability of SBSP with its SOLARIS initiative. This could be followed by a full development plan for the technology by 2025.
Green and novel: the future of energy generation
Source: Physics World : Date: 05-09-2023
First up, Nicol Kaplin speaks about SOLARIS, an ambitious ESA project investigating the feasibility of sending a fleet of solar cells into space.
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