Energy from Space Headlines

International news headlines related to harnessing energy in space.
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Total number of Space Energy Headlines: 685
Space Resources May Trigger Great Power Competition, 'Shape A New World Order'
Source: International Business Times : Date: 01-09-2023
"Harnessing solar power in space could provide a new source of virtually limitless and sustainable energy," Ogden said. "Solar power satellites ...
Top Five Nations in Solar Energy Generation
Source: Nasdaq : Date: 29-08-2023
Japan has been working on advancements in solar technology, which include space-based solar power (SBSP) and next-generation flexible solar cells. The SBSP project involves the space launch of satellites equipped with giant solar panels which convert the generated electricity into microwaves that ...
La course vers les vastes ressources de la Lune s’accélère
Source: Le Temps: Richard Etienne : Date: 23-08-2023
L’eau pour faire de la Lune une rampe de lancement. Cette idée considérée par la NASA dans les années 1960 connaît une nouvelle jeunesse, dopée par l’évolution des technologies et de la robotique, mais aussi par la… crise énergétique actuelle, selon Arthur Woods, patron d’Astrostrom. Cette société thurgovienne collabore avec l’Agence spatiale européenne (ESA) dans la mise en place de panneaux solaires dans l’espace. «Le plus grand obstacle au développement de tels panneaux solaires est leur lancement depuis la Terre car ces satellites sont très grands. Nous proposons de les lancer depuis la Lune, où ce serait plus simple, et d’utiliser des matériaux lunaires pour les créer», indique Arthur Woods.
Beaming 24/7 solar from space
Source: Canary Media : Date: 17-08-2023
In this podcast episode, Shayle talks to Sanjay Vijendran, lead for the Solaris initiative on space-based solar power at the European Space Agency. He argues that space-based solar is much closer to commercialization than is nuclear fusion, which garners a lot more attention and funding. ...
Astrostrom Releases Extensive Plan for Space-Based Power Built on Lunar Resources
Source: SpaceRef : Date: 16-08-2023
Swiss company Astrostrom GMBH, headed by astronautical artist and researcher Arthur R. Woods, has presented an ambitious and extensive plan to provide power from space. The company’s report, running a lengthy 269 pages, details its vision of a grand, decades-long project to create a constellation of satellites that would beam free renewable power to Earth, with solar cells and infrastructure materials largely mined and refined from lunar regolith. The report was written in response to a European Space Agency (ESA) research challenge Swiss company Astrostrom GMBH, headed by astronautical artist and researcher ..
Space-Based Solar Energy Transmission Nears Feasibility, According to Expert
Source: Tech Times : Date: 15-08-2023
The concept of harnessing solar energy from space is inching closer to reality, according to an expert.
We could soon be getting energy from solar power harvested in space
Source: Yahoo News UK : Date: 15-08-2023
The idea of space-based solar power (SBSP) – using satellites to collect energy from the sun and “beam” it to collection points on Earth ...
Space Energy: Will Space-Based Solar Power Be the Wave of the Future?
Source: Discover Magazine : Date: 12-08-2023
Solar power has been seen in science fiction space travels and to the roof of a Caltech lab. Learn more about the recent breakthroughs in space ...
It's Always Sunny in Space: Why Space-Based Solar Power Is a Viable Source of Energy
Source: Skeptic Magazine : Date: 11-08-2023
Space-based solar power (SBSP) refers to the concept of collecting the Sun's energy in space and then transmitting it to Earth for use as a ...
Beaming Power From Space: Caltech's Prototype Achieves Wireless Energy Transmission
Source: SciTechDaily : Date: 07-08-2023
The Space Solar Power Demonstrator (SSPD-1), a prototype launched into orbit in January, has successfully demonstrated wireless power transfer in ...
Thales Alenia Space works on solar power generation from space
Source: Air & Cosmos - International : Date: 04-08-2023
Among the solutions that could be adopted by the energy sector is space-based solar power, which appears to be clean, affordable, ...
NASA Selects Blue Origin to Develop Solar-Power Systems Made from Lunar Regolith on the Moon
Source: TechEBlog - : Date: 01-08-2023
NASA Blue Origin Solar Power Lunar Regolith Moon ... Harnessing the vast resources in space to benefit Earth is part of our mission, ...
Could Solar Panel Arrays in Earth Orbit provide all the Clean Electricity We'd Ever Need?
Source: Ann Arbor (Informed Comment) : Date: 01-08-2023
The European Space Agency isn't as well known in the U.S. as NASA or even Roscosmos, the Russian space agency.
Space-Based Solar Power for a Moon Station
Source: YouTube - Sabine Hossenfelder : Date: 02-08-2023
A part of Sabine Hossenfelder's weekly science video blog, she mentions the Astrostrom Greater Earth Lunar Power Station project.
Astrostrom entwickelt Konzept für Solarstrom aus dem Weltall
Source: MIT Technology Review Deutschland : Date: 09-08-2023
Das Schweizer Unternehmen Astrostrom hat den Gedanken vom Solarstrom aus dem Weltall für den Mond weitergesponnen – in einer von 2021 bis 2023 durchgeführten Studie mit Unterstützung der Europäischen Weltraumorganisation (ESA). An der Raumstation befinden sich dem Plan zufolge V-förmige Solarpaneele, die sich an Schmetterlingsflügeln orientieren, allerdings als Helix konfiguriert sind (um möglichst dauerhaft Strom einzusammeln) und 61.350 Kilometer über dem Mond schweben sollen (Lagrange-Punkt zwischen Mond und Erde). Die Größe wäre mit einem Quadratkilometer gigantisch.
Swiss company develops ideas for a solar power plant in space
Source: Breaking Latest News : Date: 09-08-2023
The Swiss company Astrostrom has advanced the idea of solar power from space for the moon – in a study carried out from 2021 to 2023 with the support of the European Space Agency (ESA).
原位资源新应用:月球上造地球GEO卫星 (New applications for in situ resources: building an Earth GEO satellite on the Moon)
Source: 爱太空宙叔编译 航天界 : Date: 02-08-2023
Astrostrom's research may provide a blueprint for the mass production of environmentally friendly solar-powered satellites. To overcome the challenges of launching large satellites from Earth, the project envisions a future concept of manufacturing and assembling them in lunar orbit.
Greater Earth Lunar Power Station, pioneering space energy and tourism synergy
Source: Space Explored - Theresa Cross : Date: 01-08-2023
A Swiss company called Astrostrom is working with the European Space Agency to study the possibility of building a solar power satellite using lunar resources. Part of ESA’s Open Space Innovation Platform, the company designed a structure it calls the Greater Earth Lunar Power Station, or “GE⊕-LPS” for short, with “⊕,” is the astronomical symbol for Earth. According to Astrostrom’s website, “The Greater Earth Lunar Power Station (GE⊕-LPS) is a habitable space station in lunar orbit that is designed to provide solar energy for lunar operations.” It would harness resources collected from the Moon, including lunar-manufactured solar cells, to transmit megawatts of microwave power to the lunar surface.
Solar energy from novel space station could power future Moon settlements
Source: H2 News - Hydrogen Fuel News : Date: 28-07-2023
The European Space Agency has partnered Astrostrom, a company based in Switzerland, to propose a new conceptual solar energy design known.
Blue Origin Awarded NASA Partnership to Turn Lunar Regolith into Solar-Power Systems on the Moon
Source: Blue Origin : Date: 25-07-2023
NASA awarded Blue Origin a $35 million Tipping Point partnership today to continue advancing its innovative Blue Alchemist breakthrough revealed earlier this year. “Harnessing the vast resources in space to benefit Earth is part of our mission, and we’re inspired and humbled to receive this investment from NASA to advance our innovation,” said Pat Remias, vice president, Capabilities Directorate of Space Systems Development. “First we return humans to the Moon, then we start to ‘live off the land.’”
Space-based Solar Power May be the Future of Renewable Energy
Source: Legal Reader : Date: 25-07-2023
For example, space-based solar harvesters can collect up to eight times more power than traditional terrestrial solar panels. They note that this ...
ESA chooses Thales Alenia Space for SOLARIS feasibility study
Source: Thales Alenia Space : Date: 25-07-2023
The space solar power concept complements renewable energy sources on Earth, rather than competing with them, because solar power from space is ...
Butterfly-shaped solar space station to power future Moon settlements
Source: Travel Tomorrow : Date: 21-07-2023
The idea revolves around capturing solar energy in space and beaming it down to Earth, providing a continuous and sustainable source of clean ...
Return to the moon: The race we have to win (again)
Source: - Rick Tumlinson : Date: 20-07-2023
Those who control the moon gain a lot of options when it comes to the future.... to build massive solar power stations and other space facilities. ... In 1984, NASA said we would have a space station — an outpost named ...
Does Beaming Power in Space Make Sense at the Moon?
Source: Universe Today : Date: 20-07-2023
The study envisions a solar power satellite operating at the Earth-Moon L1 Lagrange Point, roughly 61,350 km (38,120 mi) from the lunar surface, ...
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