Energy from Space Headlines

International news headlines related to harnessing energy in space.
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Total number of Space Energy Headlines: 685
Solar space butterfly could power lunar outposts around the clock
Source: New Atlas : Date: 20-07-2023
According to a study by Astrostrom for ESA, future Moon bases could be powered by a giant space butterfly called the Greater Earth Lunar Power ...
Butterfly-inspired satellite could power life on the Moon
Source: India Today : Date: 19-07-2023
Designed in the shape of a butterfly, the satellite will boast V-shaped solar panels integrated with antennas, covering an area of more than a ...
This solar power station could provide clean energy for lunar operations
Source: Tech Explorist : Date: 17-07-2023
However, harvesting solar energy on Earth is restricted to the daylight hours of the location – a limitation that does not exist while in space.
Solar energy beamed to Earth from Moon-made butterfly satellite 'cost competitive', space chiefs told
Source: Recharge News : Date: 17-07-2023
Study of orbital energy options for European Space Agency (ESA) outlines vision of giga-scale supplies.
Moon-made solar station could transmit power from space to Earth
Source: TheNextWeb : Date: 17-07-2023
In collaboration with the ESA, Astrostrom is exploring how to harness space-based solar power to provide energy to the Moon and the Earth.
This giant solar power station could beam energy to lunar bases
Source: Popular Science : Date: 17-07-2023
Harvesting solar power here on Earth is limited to a location's daylight hours—a restriction that doesn't exist while in space.
This butterfly-shaped solar power space station could provide electricity to future Moon settlements
Source: Interesting Engineering : Date: 17-07-2023
Scientists are racing to test if this technology can capture solar energy and beam clean electricity to Earth. Solar panels stationed in space possess ...
Tech Trends: Space solar, electricity from air, PV for agriculture - Smart Energy International
Source: Smart Energy International : Date: 17-07-2023
A lunar power satellite modelled, harvesting electricity from the air and solar PV for farmers are in the week's technology radar.
This Giant Space Butterfly Could Help Boost Green Energy on Earth and on Moon
Source: The Messenger : Date: 15-07-2023
Astrostorm proposed building a “Greater Earth Lunar Power Station” (designated GE⊕-LPS), a giant solar power satellite constructed using ...
New Type of Space Station Could Be Used to Beam Sun's Power Down to Earth and Moon
Source: autoevolution : Date: 15-07-2023
Unlike most other such designs, which are to be built on Earth and then shipped to lunar orbit, the GEO-LPS, including its solar panels, should be ...
First In-Space Laser Power Beaming Experiment Surpasses 100 Days of Successful On Obit Operations
Source: Yahoo Finance : Date: 14-07-2023
Zachary Kaldy, U.S. Naval Research Laboratory thermal engineer, inspects the Space Wireless Energy Laser Link- SWELL has been providing nearly continuously about 1.5 watts at the power beaming receiver’s output with an end-to-end efficiency around 11%, more than ten times the team’s efficiency goal.
Solar in Space: The exciting endless possibilities
Source: TimesTech : Date: 14-07-2023
One of the most fascinating developments in the renewable energy sector has been the possibility of putting solar technology in space.
Lunar solar power satellite
Source: ESA : Date: 14-07-2023
he concept of gathering some of the unlimited sunlight available in space, then transmitting it down to users, was first developed to serve the clean energy needs of planet Earth. But Space-Based Solar Power can also work for the Moon
Europe's space-based solar power – call for ideas
Source: Power Engineering International : Date: 11-07-2023
The European Space Agency (ESA) has issued a 'call for ideas' as part of its Solaris space-based solar power initiative.
The European Space Agency's Solaris Program Explores Space-based Solar Power for Cleaner Energy
Source: stupidDOPE : Date: 04-05-2023
Solaris programme by the European Space Agency (ESA) is investigating Space-based Solar Power (SBSP) for Europe's energy needs.
Europe explores solar farms in space with Solaris programme
Source: Dezeen : Date: 03-05-2023
The earthbound receiver stations would then use either photovoltaic cells or an antenna to capture this energy and convert it into electricity that ...
India's space policy and national security posture: what can we expect?
Source: The Space Review : Date: 26-04-2023
India is a major space power in Asia. With its independent launch systems, satellites, ... What about India's position on space-based solar power?
The European Space Agency wants to provide Earth with green electricity via satellites in space
Source: Taylor Daily Press : Date: 26-04-2023
ESA Solaris. ESA plan is solaris Prepare for a possible decision in 2025 on a full development program for solar power from space. This way we can get ...
China to build gigawatt-level space power station: leading expert
Source: : Date: 26-04-2023
A space solar power station, though seemingly belonging in the realm of science fiction, refers to the technology to generate electricity from ...
ESA developing concepts for commercial-scale Space-Based Solar Power plants
Source: European Space Agency : Date: 17-04-2023
The idea behind Space-Based Solar Power is to gather solar power where it is available continuously and in plentiful supply, up in Earth orbit, ...
Reimagining the Space Race: Solar Power Steps Into the Spotlight
Source: Microgrid Media : Date: 28-02-2023
The reliance on solar power being heavily dependent on weather patterns, scientists have been exploring potential new solutions.
Project Solaris: Inside ESA's bold plan to harness solar power from space
Source: BBC Science Focus : Date: 28-02-2023
Could a network of space-based power stations help to solve the energy crisis?
BlueOrigin Unveils Revolutionary Technology for Building Solar Panels on the Moon
Source: Microgrid Media : Date: 21-02-2023
Furthermore, powering up space stations could allow us to build permanent structures in outer space without having to rely heavily on fuel shipments ...
Building solar cells on the Moon ...
Source: eeNews Europe : Date: 21-02-2023
Researchers at rocket company Blue Origin in the US has made solar cells ... and instrument, space flight, and systems engineers in a single lab.
Blue Origin's New Tech Made of Moon Materials May Provide Unlimited Solar Power One Day
Source: Tech Times : Date: 16-02-2023
Jeff Bezos' private space firm Blue Origin unveiled its new 'Blue Alchemist' technology that would ensure an abundance of solar power for ...
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