Energy from Space Headlines

International news headlines related to harnessing energy in space.
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Total number of Space Energy Headlines: 685
Understanding space-based solar satellites to enable Net Zero
Source: Cosmos Magazine : Date: 10-11-2021
Scientists are looking beyond the clouds to an uninterrupted source of solar power: solar satellites in space.
Helium-3: The Moon Can Solve Earth´s Energy Problem
Source: Screen Rant : Date: 07-11-2021
Solar space power, multi-billion asteroid mining, and the Moon's Helium-3 resources are up for grab. As a result, the U.S., China, Russia, Europe, ...
How space solar panels could power the Earth with 24/7 clean energy
Source: CNET : Date: 06-11-2021
Could space-based solar power change the world one day? Getty Images. Solar power has been a key part of humanity's clean-energy repertoire.
Space solar power's time may finally be coming
Source: : Date: 05-11-2021
The idea of harvesting solar energy via power-beaming satellites has long intrigued researchers — and recent advances may help make it a reality ...
Forget Mars, let's terraform the moon
Source: Freethink : Date: 01-11-2021
We need to make outer space more Earth-like if we're going to inhabit it one day ... On the Moon, solar power is a tremendous asset, as there's no ...
Cheap Space Flight Can Lead To Clean Space Based Solar Power. So Why Do Environmentalist Oppose Space Science?
Source: Science 2.0 : Date: 27-10-2021
Generating energy from solar power satellites in space is the long-term final solution to the energy needs of humanity. Cheap easy access to space ...
Space Solar Power May Solve Key Renewables Challenge
Source: Caixin Global : Date: 27-10-2021
(Oxford Analytica) — Governments in Beijing, London, Tokyo and Washington are exploring the potential of space-based solar power (SBSP).
Prince William is wrong: Humanity's salvation is in the stars, says Andrew Dunlop
Source: The Herald : Date: 26-10-2021
Or to harness in space solar power to provide a more abundant and efficient renewable energy source on Earth. All alleviating climate pressure. He's ...
The Technologies That Could Finally Make Space Elevators a Reality
Source: Interesting Engineering : Date: 24-10-2021
But for the one-time price of creating this megastructure, we would be able to realize space-based solar power, habitats in orbit, cities on the ...
IEA Calls For Greater Investment In Clean Energy
Source: Nasdaq : Date: 23-10-2021
A number of ETFs provide exposure to the alternative energy space via investment in solar, wind, hydroelectric, and geothermal energy.
Orbiting solar farms not as out-of-this-world as you think
Source: : Date: 11-10-2021
Nonetheless, drawing solar power from space would be a gargantuan engineering challenge. The Government-commissioned report, authored by Frazer-Nash and ...
Experts say orbiting farms could solve UK's solar power shortcomings
Source: DIGIT.FYI : Date: 11-10-2021
Experts have posited that a series of giant solar farms in space will solve any misgivings about the profileration of solar energy.
British space-based power station will provide clean energy for entire Earth
Source: Daily Express : Date: 08-10-2021
The system uses a solar array in orbit around the planet and beams energy as radio waves to a terrestrial base station where it is converted into ...
Ask a Caltech Expert: Harry Atwater on the Power of Sunlight
Source: Caltech : Date: 06-10-2021
The Space Solar Power Project is at a very interesting milestone moment. We have developed many of the technologies: the ultralight deployable structures, the ..
Air Force's X-37B robotic space plane wings past 500 days in Earth orbit
Source: : Date: 03-10-2021
While the Boeing-built robotic space plane's on-orbit primary agenda is classified, ... into transforming solar power into radio frequency microwave energy.
Deployable solar panels will reach the moon
Source: : Date: 01-10-2021
Much of the energy required for upcoming space missions, including those that will bring humans back to the moon, could come from the sun: new, ...
The National Space Society Supports New UK Government Space Solar Power Initiative
Source: National Space Society : Date: 29-09-2021
The National Space Society (NSS) supports the recent UK government proposal for operational space solar power (SSP) by 2040. Prepared by the Frazer-Nash Consultancy, the report states that "Space-Based Solar Power is a renewable technology which provides continuous baseload power without intermittency and could be available at large scale. It therefore warrants further exploration as....
UK government sets out plan to 'unleash' nation's space sector
Source: Physics World - : Date: 29-09-2021
The feasibility study, which examined two SBSP concepts — the US-led SPS Alpha and the UK-led CASSIOPeiA — states that the engineering challenges for SBSP could be overcome to allow enrolment of the technology by the 2050s to meet “Net Zero” emissions pledges. The report states that a thorough cost and economic analysis should now be undertaken. The UK government has also stated that future funding will be made available for SBSP technologies though the £1bn Net Zero Innovation Portfolio. ...
Could solar panels in space power Army operations on Earth?
Source: Defense News - / Nathan Strout : Date: 29-09-2021
What the Army needs is an energy source it can tap into from anywhere on Earth with limited infrastructure, and the Air Force Research Laboratory believes it might just have the solution: A constellation of satellite-mounted solar arrays that can collect energy on orbit and beam it down to Earth. ...
Space based solar power: de-risking the pathway to net zero
Source: Gov.UK - Department for Business, Energy & Industrial Strategy : Date: 27-09-2021
An independent study into the technical feasibility, cost and economics of space based solar power (SBSP), as a novel generation technology to help the UK deliver its net zero policy.
Bold new strategy to fuel UK's world-class space sector
Source: Department for Business, Energy & Industrial Strategy, Ministry of Defence, and UK Space Agency : Date: 27-09-2021
New plans to strengthen the UK as a world class space nation by firing up its multibillion-pound space industry have been set out in a National Space Strategy launched today.
UK to Spend Billions to Become Science & Space Superpower
Source: Sputnik : Date: 27-09-2021
The UK’s Department for Business, Energy & Industrial Strategy, the Ministry of Defence, and the UK Space Agency have rolled out the National Space Strategy (NSS), which presents the government’s vision of the country’s future in the fields of space innovation and research. Britain’s space sector economy has been projected to grow from an estimated £270 billion in 2019 to £490 billion by 2030...
Space exploration is going private
Source: The Bull The commerciali : Date: 26-09-2021
Others talk up space-based solar power; China has announced plans for a solar power station in orbit by 2040. One day earth-controlled robots could mine the moon for water, which can become a rocket fuel once split into hydrogen and oxygen. They could mine for helium-3, another rocket fuel, and the rare-earth minerals that are used in electronics. Nasa is making soil for space habitats by seeding asteroids with fungi.....
Could solar panels in space power Army operations on Earth?
Source: Defense News - : Date: 25-09-2021
Senator Martin Heinrich (D-NM) examines one of the sandwich solar panels developed for the Air Force Research Laboratory's Space Solar Power Incremental ...
SpaceX tourist launch could open up the orbital economy
Source: Quartz : Date: 17-09-2021
Inspiration4 might be a better candidate to demonstrate how space ... media production, pharmaceutical research, or solar power generation, ...
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