Energy from Space Headlines

International news headlines related to harnessing energy in space.
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Total number of Space Energy Headlines: 685
Why The Billionaire Space Race Is A Good Thing
Source: Forbes : Date: 15-09-2021
Branson wasn't the only entrepreneur interested in privatized space ... quantum computing, phased array radar, space-based solar power [and] ...
Solar power from space: solar innovation is establishing a brighter future
Source: The New Times | Rwanda : Date: 14-09-2021
Harnessing solar energy from space has been a focus project for various countries, and decade-long projects are now coming to fruition. The California Institute of Technology (CalTech) recently announced that, since 2013, more than $100 million had been invested in helping make photovoltaic power from orbit a reality. After almost....
Engineers Are Creating a Real Space Elevator. Can They Succeed?
Source: Interesting Engineering : Date: 12-09-2021
Proposed Power Systems for these cars include solar power, nuclear reactors, and wireless or direct energy transfer. The Counterweight could take the ...
Perovskite Solar Cells to Be Tested in Space
Source: Mercom India : Date: 11-09-2021
To lower the cost of specialized photovoltaic (PV) panels used to generate electricity in space — like the once used in Mars rovers and space ...
Renewable energy solutions literally out of this world
Source: Middle East & Gulf News | AME Info AMEinfo : Date: 07-09-2021
Unlike ground-based solar panels, space solar power will be unaffected by weather. Unlike nuclear power, there are no dangerous byproducts...
China Wants to Build a Mega Spaceship That's Nearly a Mile Long
Source: Scientific American : Date: 03-09-2021
The International Space Station (ISS), which is only 361 feet (110 meters) ... China has also expressed interest in building enormous solar power arrays in ...
Space solar power plants are not science fiction, but the near future of energy
Source: R&R Magazine - Rest and Relax : Date: 03-09-2021
The report, prepared by consulting firm Frazer-Nash with the participation of European companies such as Airbus and Thales Alenia Space, states that solar power for space is not only technically feasible, but also that the cost of one megawatt-hour over its lifespan could be half what it is in the case of energy nuclear. On the other hand, if the private sector is to help cover costs, countries will also have to review the legal system regulating the use of space....
AFRL offers university satellite program - Wright-Patterson AFB
Source: : Date: 03-09-2021
To watch a SSPIDR video and learn more about the Space Solar Power Incremental Demonstrations and Research project visit: “UNP's technical insertion initiative ...
China begins research into building megastructures in space
Source: Global Construction Review GCR : Date: 01-09-2021
Space-based solar power stations would be placed in geostationary orbit and would turn light energy into microwaves, which would then be beamed down to ...
Beyond Earth Releases Space Solar Power Report
Source: Beyond Earth Institute : Date: 31-08-2021
The Beyond Earth Institute (BEI) unveiled “Catching the Sun: A National Strategy for Space Solar Power,” a new report on Space Solar Power (SSP) today. SSP uses solar panels in space to collect power from the Sun to serve the energy needs of the people on Earth...
China researchers to study assembly of ultra-large Spacecraft
Source: Geospatial World : Date: 30-08-2021
These stations will collect solar energy and transmitting power to Earth through microwaves. Kilometer-scale, ultra-large spacecraft are described as “major ...
China is Constructing an Experimental Orbital Solar Power Satellite
Source: What's Up With That - Eric Worrall : Date: 29-08-2021
China has announced an energy roadmap which includes plans to build a megawatt solar power satellite by 2030, and a gigawatt scale space based solar power satellite by 2050. If this roadmap proceeds, China could become the undisputed master of global orbital engineering projects.
How Blue Origin, SpaceX, Virgin Galactic space race could impact the atmosphere
Source: CNBC : Date: 28-08-2021
In the future, a thriving space industry could unlock practical projects from clean, space-based solar power to asteroid mining, as well as support the ...
China researching challenges of kilometer-scale ultra-large spacecraft
Source: Space News : Date: 28-08-2021
The National Natural Science Foundation of China has outlined a five-year project for researchers to study the assembly of ultra-large spacecraft. The project would have practical applications for potential megaprojects including colossal space-based solar power stations. Such facilities would be based in geostationary orbit and span kilometers.
China reveals plans to launch a fleet of mile-long solar panels into space to beam energy back to Earth by 2035 – and says the system could have the same output as a nuclear power station by 2050
Source: Mail Online : Date: 18-08-2021
Reports suggest that once fully operational by 2050, the space-based solar array will send a similar amount of electricity into the grid as a nuclear power station. UK should build a £16.3BILLION space power station to help it achieve net-zero by 2050, report claims....
Asimov’s vision of space-based solar power is more than science fiction
Source: Financial Times : Date: 26-08-2021
In September, the UK government will signal it too wants to explore the technology’s potential. It will publish findings of a new study examining how space solar might help Britain achieve a net zero economy by 2050. ...
China Embraces Space-Based Solar Power To Meet 2060 Carbon Neutral Target
Source: Science Times : Date: 24-08-2021
China has been planning to launch small and medium solar power projects in the stratosphere between 2021-2025, followed by a space-based solar power station ...
Think Tank Urges Substantial U.S. Space Solar Power Investment
Source: Aviation Week : Date: 23-08-2021
The Progressive Policy Institute (PPI), a Washington think tank, has joined with the National Space Society (NSS) in calling on U.S. policymakers to pursue a joint NASA and Department of Energy (DOE)-led space solar power generation (SSP) capability. They characterize SSP as a clean energy national...
Why Space Solar Power Now?
Source: National Space Society / Al Globus : Date: 24-08-2021
The National Space Society has promoted SSP for decades. A year or so ago the Alliance for Space Development made SSP one of its four legislative objectives, and in the last month the Beyond Earth Institute and the Progressive Policy Institute have made major moves promoting SSP, including a draft Presidential Policy Directive by Beyond Earth. Why this much interest now?
The National Space Society Joins the Progressive Policy Institute in Supporting Rapid Development of Space Solar Power
Source: National Space Society : Date: 19-08-2021
Orbiting Solar Power Stations Would Help to Save the Environment It’s important that the U.S. remain a leader in SSP efforts ... the result will be a cleaner environment, a vast net reduction in carbon emissions globally, and a better world for our children...
Where the sun always shines: Putting solar in space
Source: Ars Technica : Date: 19-08-2021
This is an idea that's older than even the space program," Caltech's Harry Atwater told Ars over Zoom. Citing Asimov and Clarke, Atwater conjured an image of gleaming solar panels floating above the Earth on a large metal truss, all wired in to hardware that converts the current to a form suitable to beam back down to Earth. Unlimited clean power, delivered around the clock....
Solar panels in space could help power the UK by 2039, claims report
Source: New Scientist : Date: 18-08-2021
Solar power beamed from satellites could provide the UK with a continuous supply of green energy as soon as 2039, according to a report commissioned by the ...
China embarks on space race for solar power
Source: The Times Hub : Date: 18-08-2021
Ground has been broken on the Bishan space solar energy station in the southwestern city of Chongqing, the government said. It will begin tests by ...
China starts testing tech to harvest solar energy from orbiting panels
Source: The Register : Date: 17-08-2021
The Earth-based station is designed to collect solar energy wirelessly from solar panel power stations in orbit. Solar power collected in space has the ...
China aims to use space-based solar energy station to harvest sun’s rays to help meet power needs
Source: South China Morning Post : Date: 17-08-2021
. Support for the unconventional orbiting solar programme jumped after China announced its 2060 carbon neutral target . Civilian and military researchers will look at applications for the technology amid concerns about radiation and the potential for beams misfired from space
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